Music Studies (MS)
180/280 a-g: Beginning or Intermediate Voice, Tabla, Sitar, Violin, Flute, Sarod, Shehnai
184: Introduction to the Theory of Hindustani Music
180/280 and 182/282 are offered typically in the house of the teacher or guru. Contact hours are three a week in any combination the teacher specifies. An instrument may be borrowed in the beginning from the teacher or NIRMAN, but must be purchased soon. Progress in these classes depends on the regularity of the student’s practice, as guided by the teacher. The aim of the class is to enable the student to perform in public at the end of the semester, as well as to describe the learning process in a written paper.
Dance Studies (DS)
190 Introductory Dance: Modern Dance, Kathak, Improvised Dance, Capoeira,
290 b: Intermediate Kathak
490: Independent Dance project
All dance classes are held in the homes of the teachers. Contact hours are three a week in any combination the teacher specifies. Ghungroos or ankle bells may be borrowed in the beginning from the teacher or NIRMAN, but must be purchased soon. Progress in these classes depends on the regularity of the student’s practice, as guided by the teacher. The aim of the class is to enable the student to perform in public at the end of the semester, as well as to describe the learning process in a written paper.
Art Studies (ArS)
100: Introduction to Art, and Art History of India
102/202: Art History of India: introductory, advanced
200: Intermediate Art
300: Advanced Art
400: Art Residency: A practicum where artists work independently in various locations and are introduced to Indian artists and artisans.
Art classes are help typically in the atelier or home of the teacher, and will include trips to different parts of the city and its suburbs. Art materials must be purchased by the student at the beginning of the course. Progress in these classes depends on the regularity of the student’s independent work, as guided by the teacher. The aim of the class is to enable the student to exhibit in public at the end of the semester, to complete a portfolio, as well as to describe the learning process in a written paper.
Theatre Studies (TS)
160: Theatre Techniques for beginners: practicuum
260: Intermediate Theatre Techniques: practicuum
460 a: Independent Theatre Project
162: Theatre Education in Elementary School: Practicuum. A hands-on training in how to teach theatre in elementary school, with particular reference to India
262: Indian Performing Arts Traditions: Rasas in theory and practice
160/180/190: Performing arts practicuum: classical Indian music, vocal or instrumental (flute, tabla, violin, sitar) or dance (kathak, bharatnatyam)
264: Staging India: an intercultural theatre production based on local texts and materials
165: Internship: on theatre, music or dance education; or self-designed project
Theatre classes are held at NIRMAN at times and days to be specified by the instructor. The aim of the course is to perform or direct at the end of the semester, to complete a portfolio, and to describe the learning process in a written paper. Theatre studies fall between the “indigenous” format of the Music and Dance courses and the “Western” format of the Social Sciences and Humanities courses and students have to be observant of this middle position.
Language Studies (LS)
100 a-d: Spoken Hindi/Urdu/Bengali
102: Hindi/Urdu/Bengali/Sanskrit/Arabic for Beginners: writing, reading, and speaking
200: Intermediate Hindi/Urdu/Bengali: spoken only
202: Intermediate Hindi/Urdu/Bengali/Sanskrit/Arabic: writing, reading, and speaking
Students need to be regular in attendance and to complete all homework exercises. It is hoped that students will use their presence in India to practice their growing Hindi, Urdu, or other language ability with native speakers. The classes meet at NIRMAN, with some trips outside. The aim of the course is to make the student competent in speaking and understanding first year Hindi/Urdu, and to know written language up to the first semester level.
Yoga (Y)
110: Yoga for Beginners: practicuum. Students will learn the basic techniques of hatha yoga.
112: Yoga for Beginners: theory and practice. The practice as well as the larger historical and cultural context of hatha yoga and yoga in general.
Yoga is taught only in Hindi, and the Hindi instructor will help with vocabulary to make the classes more comprehensible. Classes meet at NIRMAN at set times. The aim of the course is to make the student familiar with first semester yoga.
Education Studies (ES)
124: The Child in India
126: Colonialism and Postcolonialism: Issues in Indian Education
223/342 a: Education in India: a historical and sociological study
420 a: Complex theoretical and practical workshop on the work of educational transformation
Courses on Education all meet at NIRMAN and include a component of fieldwork, or visits to schools and families. Classes meet twice a week for an hour and a quarter each, usually in the evenings, leaving the daytime free for fieldwork and research. Assignments consist of a combination of papers, tests, reviews of materials, and ethnographic journals or preparation of pedagogical materials. Some courses include practice teaching.
Anthropological and Religious Studies (AS)
130: Working With Artisans: practicuum. Training students to learn from artisans while studying them
132: The Arts and Crafts of India: a training in basic anthropological methods, taking as informants artisans and craftsmen
134: Introduction to Indian Religions
232: Integrative Culture/Development Research Project: an integration of ethnographic research methods with development issues, in two parts: academic and applied
234 a-b: An Anthropological Introduction: Hinduism, Islam
236: The Religious Geography of Varanasi (Banaras)
332: The Modernity of India: Problems and Solutions: an advanced course in various aspects of contemporary India, focusing specifically on, “How do we understand modernity in India?” The course specially stresses methodology.
Anthropological and Religious Studies courses meet at NIRMAN and include lecture, discussion and tutorials. Assignments include reviews of materials, field trips and ethnographic journals, papers, tutorials and oral discussion.
Political Science and History (PS)
142: An Introduction to the History of India
242: An Introduction to Modern India
342/442: Selected Topics in Indian History
Political Science and History courses meet at NIRMAN and include lecture, discussion and tutorials. Assignments include reviews of materials, field trips, papers, tutorials and oral discussion.
Gender Studies (GS)
150: Gender and History
152: Gender and the Arts
154: Gender, Women and Writing in India
250: Each One Teach One: practicuum. Getting to know people from a gendered perspective and working with them to overcome gender stereotypes
Gender Studies courses meet at NIRMAN and include lecture, discussion and tutorial. Assignments include reviews of materials, field trips and ethnographic journals, papers, tutorials and oral discussion.